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Text File | 1997-08-19 | 63.3 KB | 2,006 lines |
- 0001 ahi.device/--background--
- 0002 ahi.device/AHI_AllocAudioA
- 0003 ahi.device/AHI_AllocAudioRequestA
- 0004 ahi.device/AHI_AudioRequestA
- 0005 ahi.device/AHI_BestAudioIDA
- 0006 ahi.device/AHI_ControlAudioA
- 0007 ahi.device/AHI_FreeAudio
- 0008 ahi.device/AHI_FreeAudioRequest
- 0009 ahi.device/AHI_GetAudioAttrsA
- 0010 ahi.device/AHI_LoadSound
- 0011 ahi.device/AHI_NextAudioID
- 0012 ahi.device/AHI_PlayA
- 0013 ahi.device/AHI_SampleFrameSize
- 0014 ahi.device/AHI_SetEffect
- 0015 ahi.device/AHI_SetFreq
- 0016 ahi.device/AHI_SetSound
- 0017 ahi.device/AHI_SetVol
- 0018 ahi.device/AHI_UnloadSound
- 0019 ahi.device/CMD_FLUSH
- 0020 ahi.device/CMD_READ
- 0021 ahi.device/CMD_RESET
- 0022 ahi.device/CMD_START
- 0023 ahi.device/CMD_STOP
- 0024 ahi.device/CMD_WRITE
- 0025 ahi.device/CloseDevice
- 0026 ahi.device/NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY
- 0027 ahi.device/OpenDevice
- ahi.device/--background--
- The 'ahi.device' was first created because the lack of standards
- when it comes to sound cards on the Amiga. Another reason was to
- make it easier to write multi-channel music programs.
- This device is by no means the final and perfect solution. But
- hopefully, it can evolve into something useful until AT brings you
- The Real Thing (TM).
- Please see the document "AHI Developer's Guide" for more
- information.
- * Driver based
- Each supported sound card is controlled by a library-based audio
- driver. For a 'dumb' sound card, a new driver should be written in
- a few hours. For a 'smart' sound card, it is possible to utilize an
- on-board DSP, for example, to maximize performance and sound quality.
- For sound cards with own DSP but little or no memory, it is possible
- to use the main CPU to mix channels and do the post-processing
- with the DSP. Drivers are available for most popular sound cards,
- as well as an 8SVX (mono) and AIFF/AIFC (mono & stereo) sample render
- driver.
- * Fast, powerful mixing routines (yeah, right... haha)
- The device's mixing routines mix 8- or 16-bit signed samples, both
- mono and stereo, located in Fast-RAM and outputs 16-bit mono or stereo
- (with stereo panning if desired) data, using any number of channels
- (as long as 'any' means less than 128...). Tables can be used speed
- the mixing up (especially when using 8-bit samples). The samples can
- have any length (including odd) and can have any number of loops.
- There are also so-called HiFi mixing routines that can be used, that
- use linear interpolation and gives 32 bit output.
- * Support for non-realtime mixing
- By providing a timing feature, it is possible to create high-
- quality output even if the processing power is lacking, by saving
- the output to disk, for example as an IFF AIFF or 8SXV file.
- * Audio database
- Uses ID codes, much like Screenmode IDs, to select the many
- parameters that can be set. The functions to access the audio
- database are not too different from those in 'graphics.library'.
- The device also features a requester to get an ID code from the
- user.
- * Both high- and low-level protocol
- By acting both like a device and a library, AHI gives the programmer
- a choice between full control and simplicity. The device API allows
- several programs to use the audio hardware at the same time, and
- the AUDIO: dos-device driver makes playing and recording sound very
- simple for both the programmer and user.
- * Future Compatible
- When AmigaOS gets device-independent audio worth it's name, it should
- not be too difficult to write a driver for AHI, allowing applications
- using 'ahi.device' to automatically use the new OS interface. At
- least I hope it wont.
- ahi.device/AHI_AllocAudioA
- AHI_AllocAudioA -- allocates and initializes the audio hardware
- AHI_AllocAudio -- varargs stub for AHI_AllocAudioA()
- audioctrl = AHI_AllocAudioA( tags );
- D0 A1
- struct AHIAudioCtrl *AHI_AllocAudioA( struct TagItem * );
- audioctrl = AHI_AllocAudio( tag1, ... );
- struct AHIAudioCtrl *AHI_AllocAudio( Tag, ... );
- Allocates and initializes the audio hardware, selects the best
- mixing routine (if necessary) according to the supplied tags.
- To start playing you first need to call AHI_ControlAudioA().
- tags - A pointer to a tag list.
- AHIA_AudioID (ULONG) - The audio mode to use (AHI_DEFAULT_ID is the
- user's default mode. It's a good value to use the first time she
- starts your application.
- AHIA_MixFreq (ULONG) - Desired mixing frequency. The actual
- mixing rate may or may not be exactly what you asked for.
- AHI_DEFAULT_FREQ is the user's prefered frequency.
- AHIA_Channels (UWORD) - Number of channel to use. The actual
- number of channels used will be equal or grater than the
- requested. If too many channels were requested, this function
- will fail. This tag must be supplied.
- AHIA_Sounds (UWORD) - Number of sounds to use. This tag must be
- supplied.
- AHIA_SoundFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call each time
- when a sound has been started. The function receives the
- following parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioCtrl *)
- A1 - (struct AHISoundMessage *)
- The hook may be called from an interrupt, so normal interrupt
- restrictions apply.
- The called function should follow normal register conventions,
- which means that d2-d7 and a2-a6 must be preserved.
- AHIA_PlayerFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to be called at regular
- intervals. By using this hook there is no need for music players
- to use other timing, such as VBLANK or CIA timers. But the real
- reason it's present is that it makes it possible to do non-
- realtime mixing to disk.
- Using this interrupt source is currently the only supported way
- to ensure that no mixing occurs between calls to AHI_SetVol(),
- AHI_SetFreq() or AHI_SetSound().
- If the sound playback is done without mixing, 'realtime.library'
- is used to provide timing. The function receives the following
- parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioCtrl *)
- A1 - Undefined.
- Do not assume A1 contains any particular value!
- The hook may be called from an interrupt, so normal interrupt
- restrictions apply.
- The called function should follow normal register conventions,
- which means that d2-d7 and a2-a6 must be preserved.
- AHIA_PlayerFreq (Fixed) - If non-zero, enables timing and specifies
- how many times per second PlayerFunc will be called. This must
- be specified if AHIA_PlayerFunc is! Do not use any extreme
- frequencies. The result of MixFreq/PlayerFreq must fit an UWORD,
- ie it must be less or equal to 65535. It is also suggested that
- you keep the result over 80. For normal use this should not be a
- problem. Note that the data type is Fixed, not integer. 50 Hz is
- 50<<16.
- AHIA_MinPlayerFreq (Fixed) - The minimum frequency (AHIA_PlayerFreq)
- you will use. You should always supply this if you are using the
- device's interrupt feature!
- AHIA_MaxPlayerFreq (Fixed) - The maximum frequency (AHIA_PlayerFreq)
- you will use. You should always supply this if you are using the
- device's interrupt feature!
- AHIA_RecordFunc (struct Hook *) - This function will be called
- regularly when sampling is turned on (see AHI_ControlAudioA())
- with the following parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioCtrl *)
- A1 - (struct AHIRecordMessage *)
- The message (AHIRecordMessage) is filled as follows:
- ahirm_Buffer - Pointer to the samples. The buffer is valid
- until next time the Hook is called.
- ahirm_Length - Number of sample FRAMES in buffer.
- To get the size in bytes, multiply by 4 if ahiim_Type is
- ahirm_Type - Always AHIST_S16S at the moment, but you *must*
- check this, since it may change in the future!
- The hook may be called from an interrupt, so normal interrupt
- restrictions apply. Signal a process if you wish to save the
- buffer to disk. The called function should follow normal register
- conventions, which means that d2-d7 and a2-a6 must be preserved.
- *** NOTE: The function MUST return NULL (in d0). This was previously
- not documented. Now you know.
- AHIA_UserData (APTR) - Can be used to initialize the ahiac_UserData
- field.
- A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure or NULL if an error occured.
- AHI_FreeAudio(), AHI_ControlAudioA()
- ahi.device/AHI_AllocAudioRequestA
- AHI_AllocAudioRequestA -- allocate an audio mode requester.
- AHI_AllocAudioRequest -- varargs stub for AHI_AllocAudioRequestA()
- requester = AHI_AllocAudioRequestA( tags );
- D0 A0
- struct AHIAudioModeRequester *AHI_AllocAudioRequestA(
- struct TagItem * );
- requester = AHI_AllocAudioRequest( tag1, ... );
- struct AHIAudioModeRequester *AHI_AllocAudioRequest( Tag, ... );
- Allocates an audio mode requester data structure.
- tags - A pointer to an optional tag list specifying how to initialize
- the data structure returned by this function. See the
- documentation for AHI_AudioRequestA() for an explanation of how
- to use the currently defined tags.
- requester - An initialized requester data structure, or NULL on
- failure.
- The requester data structure is READ-ONLY and can only be modified
- by using tags!
- AHI_AudioRequestA(), AHI_FreeAudioRequest()
- ahi.device/AHI_AudioRequestA
- AHI_AudioRequestA -- get an audio mode from user using an requester.
- AHI_AudioRequest -- varargs stub for AHI_AudioRequestA()
- success = AHI_AudioRequestA( requester, tags );
- D0 A0 A1
- BOOL AHI_AudioRequestA( struct AHIAudioModeRequester *,
- struct TagItem * );
- result = AHI_AudioRequest( requester, tag1, ... );
- BOOL AHI_AudioRequest( struct AHIAudioModeRequester *, Tag, ... );
- Prompts the user for an audio mode, based on the modifying tags.
- If the user cancels or the system aborts the request, FALSE is
- returned, otherwise the requester's data structure reflects the
- user input.
- Note that tag values stay in effect for each use of the requester
- until they are cleared or modified by passing the same tag with a
- new value.
- requester - Requester structure allocated with
- AHI_AllocAudioRequestA(). If this parameter is NULL, this
- function will always return FALSE with a dos.library/IoErr()
- result of ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE.
- tags - Pointer to an optional tag list which may be used to control
- features of the requester.
- Tags used for the requester (they look remarkable similar to the
- screen mode requester in ASL, don't they? ;-) )
- AHIR_Window (struct Window *) - Parent window of requester. If no
- AHIR_Screen tag is specified, the window structure is used to
- determine on which screen to open the requesting window.
- AHIR_PubScreenName (STRPTR) - Name of a public screen to open on.
- This overrides the screen used by AHIR_Window.
- AHIR_Screen (struct Screen *) - Screen on which to open the
- requester. This overrides the screen used by AHIR_Window or by
- AHIR_PubScreenName.
- AHIR_PrivateIDCMP (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tells AHI to
- allocate a new IDCMP port for the requesting window. If not
- specified or set to FALSE, and if AHIR_Window is provided, the
- requesting window will share AHIR_Window's IDCMP port.
- AHIR_IntuiMsgFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call whenever an
- unknown Intuition message arrives at the message port being used
- by the requesting window. The function receives the following
- parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioModeRequester *)
- AHIR_SleepWindow (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tag will cause the
- window specified by AHIR_Window to be "put to sleep". That is, a
- busy pointer will be displayed in the parent window, and no
- gadget or menu activity will be allowed. This is done by opening
- an invisible Intuition Requester in the parent window.
- AHIR_UserData (APTR) - A 32-bit value that is simply copied in the
- ahiam_UserData field of the requester structure.
- AHIR_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Font to be used for the
- requesting window's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not
- provided or its value is NULL, the default font of the screen
- on which the requesting window opens will be used. This font
- must already be in memory as AHI calls OpenFont() and not
- OpenDiskFont().
- AHIR_Locale (struct Locale *) - Locale to use for the requesting
- window. This determines the language used for the requester's
- gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is
- NULL, the system's current default locale will be used.
- AHIR_TitleText (STRPTR) - Title to use for the requesting window.
- Default is no title.
- AHIR_PositiveText (STRPTR) - Label of the positive gadget in the
- requester. English default is "OK".
- AHIR_NegativeText (STRPTR) - Label of the negative gadget in the
- requester. English default is "Cancel".
- AHIR_InitialLeftEdge (WORD) - Suggested left edge of requesting
- window.
- AHIR_InitialTopEdge (WORD) - Suggested top edge of requesting
- window.
- AHIR_InitialWidth (WORD) - Suggested width of requesting window.
- AHIR_InitialHeight (WORD) - Suggested height of requesting window.
- AHIR_InitialAudioID (ULONG) - Initial setting of the Mode list view
- gadget (ahiam_AudioID). Default is ~0 (AHI_INVALID_ID), which
- means that no mode will be selected.
- AHIR_InitialMixFreq (ULONG) - Initial setting of the frequency
- slider. Default is the lowest frequency supported.
- AHIR_InitialInfoOpened (BOOL) - Whether to open the property
- information window automatically. Default is FALSE.
- AHIR_InitialInfoLeftEdge (WORD) - Initial left edge of information
- window.
- AHIR_InitialInfoTopEdge (WORD) - Initial top edge of information
- window.
- AHIR_DoMixFreq (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester
- to display the frequency slider gadget. Default is FALSE.
- AHIR_DoDefaultMode (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to let the user
- select the mode she has set in the preferences program. If she
- selects this mode, ahiam_AudioID will be AHI_DEFAULT_ID and
- ahiam_MixFreq will be AHI_DEFAULT_FREQ. Note that if you filter
- the mode list (see below), you must also check the mode (with
- AHI_BestAudioIDA()) before you use it since the user may change
- the meaning of AHI_DEFAULT_MODE anytime, without your knowledge.
- Default is FALSE. (V4)
- AHIR_FilterFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call for each mode
- encountered. If the function returns TRUE, the mode is included
- in the file list, otherwise it is rejected and not displayed. The
- function receives the following parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A1 - (ULONG) mode id
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioModeRequester *)
- AHIR_FilterTags (struct TagItem *) - A pointer to a tag list used to
- filter modes away, like AHIR_FilterFunc does. The tags are the
- same as AHI_BestAudioIDA() takes as arguments. See that function
- for an explanation of each tag.
- result - FALSE if the user cancelled the requester or if something
- prevented the requester from opening. If TRUE, values in the
- requester structure will be set.
- If the return value is FALSE, you can look at the result from the
- dos.library/IoErr() function to determine whether the requester
- was cancelled or simply failed to open. If dos.library/IoErr()
- returns 0, then the requester was cancelled, any other value
- indicates a failure to open. Current possible failure codes are
- ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE which indicates there was not enough memory,
- and ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES which indicates no modes were available
- (usually because the application filter hook filtered them all
- away).
- The requester data structure is READ-ONLY and can only be modified
- by using tags!
- The mixing/recording frequencies that are presented to the user
- may not be the only ones a driver supports, but just a selection.
- AHI_AllocAudioRequestA(), AHI_FreeAudioRequest()
- ahi.device/AHI_BestAudioIDA
- AHI_BestAudioIDA -- calculate the best ModeID with given parameters
- AHI_BestAudioID -- varargs stub for AHI_BestAudioIDA()
- ID = AHI_BestAudioIDA( tags );
- D0 A1
- ULONG AHI_BestAudioIDA( struct TagItem * );
- ID = AHI_BestAudioID( tag1, ... );
- ULONG AHI_BestAudioID( Tag, ... );
- Determines the best AudioID to fit the parameters set in the tag
- list.
- tags - A pointer to a tag list. Only the tags present matter.
- Many combinations are probably stupid to ask for, like not supporting
- panning or recording.
- AHIDB_AudioID (ULONG) - The mode must use the same audio hardware
- as this mode does.
- AHIDB_Volume (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must support volume changes.
- If FALSE: mode must not support volume changes.
- AHIDB_Stereo (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must have stereo output.
- If FALSE: mode must not have stereo output (=mono).
- AHIDB_Panning (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must support volume panning.
- If FALSE: mode must not support volume panning.
- AHIDB_HiFi (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must have HiFi output.
- If FALSE: mode must not have HiFi output.
- AHIDB_PingPong (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must support playing samples
- backwards. If FALSE: mode must not support playing samples
- backwards.
- AHIDB_Record (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must support recording. If FALSE:
- mode must not support recording.
- AHIDB_Realtime (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must be realtime. If FALSE:
- take a wild guess.
- AHIDB_FullDuplex (BOOL) - If TRUE: mode must be able to record and
- play at the same time.
- AHIDB_Bits (UBYTE) - Mode must have greater or equal number of bits.
- AHIDB_MaxChannels (UWORD) - Mode must have greater or equal number
- of channels.
- AHIDB_MinMixFreq (ULONG) - Lowest mixing frequency supported must be
- less or equal.
- AHIDB_MaxMixFreq (ULONG) - Highest mixing frequency must be greater
- or equal.
- AHIB_Dizzy (struct TagItem *) - This tag points to a second tag list.
- After all other tags has been tested, the mode that matches these
- tags best is returned, i.e. the one that has most of the features
- you ask for, and least of the ones you don't want. Without this
- second tag list, this function hardly does what its name
- suggests. (V4)
- ID - The best AudioID to use or AHI_INVALID_ID if none of the modes
- in the audio database could meet the requirements.
- AHI_NextAudioID(), AHI_GetAudioAttrsA()
- ahi.device/AHI_ControlAudioA
- AHI_ControlAudioA -- change audio attributes
- AHI_ControlAudio -- varargs stub for AHI_ControlAudioA()
- error = AHI_ControlAudioA( audioctrl, tags );
- D0 A2 A1
- ULONG AHI_ControlAudioA( struct AHIAudioCtrl *, struct TagItem * );
- error = AHI_ControlAudio( AudioCtrl, tag1, ...);
- ULONG AHI_ControlAudio( struct AHIAudioCtrl *, Tag, ... );
- This function should be used to change attributes for a given
- AHIAudioCtrl structure. It is also used to start and stop playback,
- and to control special hardware found on some sound cards.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- tags - A pointer to a tag list.
- AHIC_Play (BOOL) - Starts (TRUE) and stops (FALSE) playback and
- PlayerFunc. NOTE: If the audio hardware cannot play at the same
- time as recording samples, the recording will be stopped.
- AHIC_Record (BOOL) - Starts (TRUE) and stops (FALSE) sampling and
- RecordFunc. NOTE: If the audio hardware cannot record at the same
- time as playing samples, the playback will be stopped.
- AHIC_MonitorVolume (Fixed) - Sets the input monitor volume, i.e. how
- much of the input signal is mixed with the output signal while
- recording. Use AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() to find the available range.
- AHIC_MonitorVolume_Query (Fixed *) - Get the current input monitor
- volume. ti_Data is a pointer to a Fixed variable, where the result
- will be stored.
- AHIC_MixFreq_Query (ULONG *) - Get the current mixing frequency.
- ti_Data is a pointer to an ULONG variable, where the result will
- be stored.
- AHIC_InputGain (Fixed) - Set the input gain. Use AHI_GetAudioAttrsA()
- to find the available range. (V2)
- AHIC_InputGain_Query (Fixed *) - Get current input gain. (V2)
- AHIC_OutputVolume (Fixed) - Set the output volume. Use
- AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() to find the available range. (V2)
- AHIC_OutputVolume_Query (Fixed *) - Get current output volume. (V2)
- AHIC_Input (ULONG) - Select input source. See AHI_GetAudioAttrsA().
- (V2)
- AHIC_Input_Query (ULONG *) - Get current input source. (V2)
- AHIC_Output (ULONG) - Select destination for output. See
- AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(). (V2)
- AHIC_Output_Query (ULONG *) - Get destination for output. (V2)
- The following tags are also recognized by AHI_ControlAudioA(). See
- AHI_AllocAudioA() for what they do. They may be used from interrupts.
- AHIA_SoundFunc (struct Hook *)
- AHIA_PlayerFunc (struct Hook *)
- AHIA_PlayerFreq (Fixed)
- AHIA_RecordFunc (struct Hook *)
- AHIA_UserData (APTR)
- Note that AHIA_PlayerFreq must never be outside the limits specified
- with AHIA_MinPlayerFreq and AHIA_MaxPlayerFreq! Also note that the
- timing feature is designed to be used for music. When you change the
- frequency, be reasonable. Using 50 Hz one moment and 5 the other is
- to ask for trouble.
- An error code, defined in <devices/ahi.h>.
- The AHIC_Play and AHIC_Record tags *must not* be used from
- interrupts.
- AHI_AllocAudioA(), AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(), <devices/ahi.h>
- ahi.device/AHI_FreeAudio
- AHI_FreeAudio -- deallocates the audio hardware
- AHI_FreeAudio( audioctrl );
- A2
- void AHI_FreeAudio( struct AHIAudioCtrl * );
- Deallocates the AHIAudioCtrl structure and any other resources
- allocated by AHI_AllocAudioA(). After this call it must not be used
- by any other functions anymore. AHI_UnloadSound() is automatically
- called for every sound.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure obtained from
- AHI_AllocAudioA(). If NULL, this function does nothing.
- AHI_AllocAudioA(), AHI_UnloadSound()
- ahi.device/AHI_FreeAudioRequest
- AHI_FreeAudioRequest -- frees requester resources
- AHI_FreeAudioRequest( requester );
- A0
- void AHI_FreeAudioRequest( struct AHIAudioModeRequester * );
- Frees any resources allocated by AHI_AllocAudioRequestA(). Once a
- requester has been freed, it can no longer be used with other calls to
- AHI_AudioRequestA().
- requester - Requester obtained from AHI_AllocAudioRequestA(), or NULL
- in which case this function does nothing.
- AHI_AllocAudioRequestA()
- ahi.device/AHI_GetAudioAttrsA
- AHI_GetAudioAttrsA -- examine an audio mode via a tag list
- AHI_GetAudioAttrs -- varargs stub for AHI_GetAudioAttrsA()
- success = AHI_GetAudioAttrsA( ID, [audioctrl], tags );
- D0 D0 A2 A1
- BOOL AHI_GetAudioAttrsA( ULONG, struct AHIAudioCtrl *,
- struct TagItem * );
- success = AHI_GetAudioAttrs( ID, [audioctrl], attr1, &result1, ...);
- BOOL AHI_GetAudioAttrs( ULONG, struct AHIAudioCtrl *, Tag, ... );
- Retrieve information about an audio mode specified by ID or audioctrl
- according to the tags in the tag list. For each entry in the tag
- list, ti_Tag identifies the attribute, and ti_Data is mostly a
- pointer to a LONG (4 bytes) variable where you wish the result to be
- stored.
- ID - An audio mode identifier, AHI_DEFAULT_ID (V4) or AHI_INVALID_ID.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure, only used if
- ID equals AHI_INVALID_ID. Set to NULL if not used. If set to
- NULL when used, this function returns immediately. Always set
- ID to AHI_INVALID_ID and use audioctrl if you have allocated
- a valid AHIAudioCtrl structure. Some of the tags return incorrect
- values otherwise.
- tags - A pointer to a tag list.
- AHIDB_Volume (ULONG *) - TRUE if this mode supports volume changes.
- AHIDB_Stereo (ULONG *) - TRUE if output is in stereo. Unless
- AHIDB_Panning (see below) is TRUE, all even channels are played
- to the left and all odd to the right.
- AHIDB_Panning (ULONG *) - TRUE if this mode supports stereo panning.
- AHIDB_HiFi (ULONG *) - TRUE if no shortcuts, like pre-division, is
- used by the mixing routines.
- AHIDB_PingPong (ULONG *) - TRUE if this mode can play samples backwards.
- AHIDB_Record (ULONG *) - TRUE if this mode can record samples.
- AHIDB_FullDuplex (ULONG *) - TRUE if this mode can record and play at
- the same time.
- AHIDB_Realtime (ULONG *) - Modes which return TRUE for this fulfills
- two criteria:
- 1) Calls to AHI_SetVol(), AHI_SetFreq() or AHI_SetSound() will be
- performed within (about) 10 ms if called from a PlayFunc Hook.
- 2) The PlayFunc Hook will be called at the specified frequency.
- If you don't use AHI's PlayFunc Hook, you must not use modes that
- are not realtime. (Criterium 2 is not that obvious if you consider
- a mode that renders the output to disk as a sample.)
- AHIDB_Bits (ULONG *) - The number of output bits (8, 12, 14, 16 etc).
- AHIDB_MaxChannels (ULONG *) - The maximum number of channels this mode
- can handle.
- AHIDB_MinMixFreq (ULONG *) - The minimum mixing frequency supported.
- AHIDB_MaxMixFreq (ULONG *) - The maximum mixing frequency supported.
- AHIDB_Frequencies (ULONG *) - The number of different sample rates
- available.
- AHIDB_FrequencyArg (ULONG) - Specifies which frequency
- AHIDB_Frequency should return (see below). Range is 0 to
- AHIDB_Frequencies-1 (including).
- NOTE: ti_Data is NOT a pointer, but an ULONG.
- AHIDB_Frequency (ULONG *) - Return the frequency associated with the
- index number specified with AHIDB_FrequencyArg (see above).
- AHIDB_IndexArg (ULONG) - AHIDB_Index will return the index which
- gives the closest frequency to AHIDB_IndexArg
- NOTE: ti_Data is NOT a pointer, but an ULONG.
- AHIDB_Index (ULONG *) - Return the index associated with the frequency
- specified with AHIDB_IndexArg (see above).
- AHIDB_MaxPlaySamples (ULONG *) - Return the lowest number of sample
- frames that must be present in memory when AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE
- sounds are used. This number must then be scaled by Fs/Fm, where
- Fs is the frequency of the sound and Fm is the mixing frequency.
- AHIDB_MaxRecordSamples (ULONG *) - Return the number of sample frames
- you will receive each time the RecordFunc is called.
- AHIDB_BufferLen (ULONG) - Specifies how many characters will be
- copied when requesting text attributes. Default is 0, which
- means that AHIDB_Driver, AHIDB_Name, AHIDB_Author,
- AHIDB_Copyright, AHIDB_Version and AHIDB_Annotation,
- AHIDB_Input and AHIDB_Output will do nothing.
- AHIDB_Driver (STRPTR) - Name of driver (excluding path and
- extension).
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen.
- AHIDB_Name (STRPTR) - Human readable name of this mode.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen.
- AHIDB_Author (STRPTR) - Name of driver author.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen.
- AHIDB_Copyright (STRPTR) - Driver copyright notice.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen
- AHIDB_Version (STRPTR) - Driver version string.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen.
- AHIDB_Annotation (STRPTR) - Annotation by driver author.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen.
- AHIDB_MinMonitorVolume (Fixed *)
- AHIDB_MaxMonitorVolume (Fixed *) - Lower/upper limit for input
- monitor volume, see AHI_ControlAudioA(). If both are 0.0,
- the sound hardware does not have an input monitor feature.
- If both are same, but not 0.0, the hardware always sends the
- recorded sound to the outputs (at the given volume). (V2)
- AHIDB_MinInputGain (Fixed *)
- AHIDB_MaxInputGain (Fixed *) - Lower/upper limit for input gain,
- see AHI_ControlAudioA(). If both are same, there is no input
- gain hardware. (V2)
- AHIDB_MinOutputVolume (Fixed *)
- AHIDB_MaxOutputVolume (Fixed *) - Lower/upper limit for output
- volume, see AHI_ControlAudioA(). If both are same, the sound
- card does not have volume control. (V2)
- AHIDB_Inputs (ULONG *) - The number of inputs the sound card has.
- (V2)
- AHIDB_InputArg (ULONG) - Specifies what AHIDB_Input should return
- (see below). Range is 0 to AHIDB_Inputs-1 (including).
- NOTE: ti_Data is NOT a pointer, but an ULONG. (V2)
- AHIDB_Input (STRPTR) - Gives a human readable string describing the
- input associated with the index specified with AHIDB_InputArg
- (see above). See AHI_ControlAudioA() for how to select one.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen. (V2)
- AHIDB_Outputs (ULONG *) - The number of outputs the sound card
- has. (V2)
- AHIDB_OutputArg (ULONG) - Specifies what AHIDB_Output should return
- (see below). Range is 0 to AHIDB_Outputs-1 (including)
- NOTE: ti_Data is NOT a pointer, but an ULONG. (V2)
- AHIDB_Output (STRPTR) - Gives a human readable string describing the
- output associated with the index specified with AHIDB_OutputArg
- (see above). See AHI_ControlAudioA() for how to select one.
- NOTE: ti_Data is a pointer to an UBYTE array where the name
- will be stored. See AHIDB_BufferLen. (V2)
- AHIDB_AudioID (ULONG *) - The ID for this mode. (V4)
- If the requested information cannot be found, the variable will be not
- be touched.
- TRUE if everything went well.
- In versions earlier than 3, the tags that filled a string buffer would
- not NULL-terminate the string on buffer overflows.
- AHI_NextAudioID(), AHI_BestAudioIDA()
- ahi.device/AHI_LoadSound
- AHI_LoadSound -- prepare a sound for playback
- error = AHI_LoadSound( sound, type, info, audioctrl );
- D0 D0:16 D1 A0 A2
- ULONG AHI_LoadSound( UWORD, ULONG, APTR, struct AHIAudioCtrl * );
- Defines an ID number for the sound and prepares it for playback.
- sound - The numeric ID to be used as a reference to this sound.
- The ID is a number greater or equal to 0 and less than what you
- specified with AHIA_Sounds when you called AHI_AllocAudioA().
- type - The type of the sound. Currently four types are supported:
- AHIST_SAMPLE - array of 8 or 16 bit samples. Note that the
- portion of memory where the sample is stored must NOT be
- altered until AHI_UnloadSound() has been called! This is
- because some audio drivers may wish to upload the samples
- to local RAM. It is OK to read, though.
- AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE - array of 8 or 16 bit samples, which can be
- updated dynamically. Typically used to play data that is
- loaded from disk or calculated realtime.
- Avoid using this sound type as much as possible; it will
- use much more CPU power than AHIST_SAMPLE on a DMA/DSP
- sound card.
- AHIST_INPUT - The input from your sampler (not fully functional
- yet).
- info - Depends on type:
- AHIST_SAMPLE - A pointer to a struct AHISampleInfo, filled with:
- ahisi_Type - Format of samples (only two supported).
- AHIST_M8S: Mono, 8 bit signed (BYTEs).
- AHIST_S8S: Stereo, 8 bit signed (2×BYTEs) (V4).
- AHIST_M16S: Mono, 16 bit signed (WORDs).
- AHIST_S16S: Stereo, 16 bit signed (2×WORDs) (V4).
- ahisi_Address - Address to the sample array.
- ahisi_Length - The size of the array, in samples.
- Don't even think of setting ahisi_Address to 0 and
- ahisi_Length to 0xffffffff as you can do with
- AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE! Very few DMA/DSP cards has 4 GB onboard
- RAM...
- AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE A pointer to a struct AHISampleInfo, filled
- as described above (AHIST_SAMPLE).
- If ahisi_Address is 0 and ahisi_Length is 0xffffffff
- AHI_SetSound() can take the real address of an 8 bit sample
- to be played as offset argument. Unfortunately, this does not
- work for 16 bit samples.
- AHIST_INPUT - Always set info to NULL.
- Note that AHI_SetFreq() may only be called with AHI_MIXFREQ
- for this sample type.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- An error code, defined in <devices/ahi.h>.
- There is no need to place a sample array in Chip memory, but it
- MUST NOT be swapped out! Allocate your sample memory with the
- MEMF_PUBLIC flag set.
- SoundFunc will be called in the same manner as Paula interrupts
- occur; when the device has updated its internal variables and can
- accept new commands.
- AHIST_INPUT does not fully work yet.
- AHI_UnloadSound(), AHI_SetEffect(), AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound(),
- AHI_SetVol(), <devices/ahi.h>
- ahi.device/AHI_NextAudioID
- AHI_NextAudioID -- iterate current audio mode identifiers
- next_ID = AHI_NextAudioID( last_ID );
- D0 D0
- This function is used to iterate through all current AudioIDs in
- the audio database.
- last_ID - previous AudioID or AHI_INVALID_ID if beginning iteration.
- next_ID - subsequent AudioID or AHI_INVALID_ID if no more IDs.
- AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(), AHI_BestAudioIDA()
- ahi.device/AHI_PlayA
- AHI_PlayA -- Start multiple sounds in one call (V4)
- AHI_Play -- varargs stub for AHI_PlayA()
- AHI_PlayA( audioctrl, tags );
- A2 A1
- void AHI_PlayA( struct AHIAudioCtrl *, struct TagItem * );
- AHI_Play( AudioCtrl, tag1, ...);
- void AHI_Play( struct AHIAudioCtrl *, Tag, ... );
- This function performs the same actions as multiple calls to
- AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound() and AHI_SetVol(). The advantages
- of using only one call is that simple loops can be set without
- using a SoundFunc (see AHI_AllocAudioA(), tag AHIA_SoundFunc) and
- that sounds on different channels can be synchronized even when the
- sounds are not started from a PlayerFunc (see AHI_AllocAudioA(), tag
- AHIA_PlayerFunc). The disadvantage is that this call has more
- overhead than AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound() and AHI_SetVol(). It is
- therefore recommended that you only use this call if you are not
- calling from a SoundFunc or PlayerFunc.
- The supplied tag list works like a 'program'. This means that
- the order of tags matter.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- tags - A pointer to a tag list.
- AHIP_BeginChannel (UWORD) - Before you start setting attributes
- for a sound to play, you have to use this tag to chose a
- channel to operate on. If AHIP_BeginChannel is omitted, the
- result is undefined.
- AHIP_EndChannel (ULONG) - Signals the end of attributes for
- the current channel. If AHIP_EndChannel is omitted, the result
- is undefined. ti_Data MUST BE NULL!
- AHIP_Freq (ULONG) - The playback frequency in Hertz or AHI_MIXFREQ.
- AHIP_Vol (Fixed) - The desired volume. If omitted, but AHIP_Pan is
- present, AHIP_Vol defaults to 0.
- AHIP_Pan (sposition) - The desired panning. If omitted, but AHIP_Vol
- is present, AHIP_Pan defaults to 0 (extreme left).
- AHIP_Sound (UWORD) - Sound to be played, or AHI_NOSOUND.
- AHIP_Offset (ULONG) - Specifies an offset (in samples) into the
- sound. If this tag is present, AHIP_Length MUST be present too!
- AHIP_Length (LONG) - Specifies how many samples that should be
- player.
- AHIP_LoopFreq (ULONG)
- AHIP_LoopVol (Fixed)
- AHIP_LoopPan (sposition)
- AHIP_LoopSound (UWORD)
- AHIP_LoopOffset (ULONG)
- AHIP_LoopLength (LONG) - These tags can be used to set simple loop
- attributes. They default to their sisters. These tags must be
- after the other tags.
- AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetVol()
- ahi.device/AHI_SampleFrameSize
- AHI_SampleFrameSize -- get the size of a sample frame (V4)
- size = AHI_SampleFrameSize( sampletype );
- D0 D0
- ULONG AHI_SampleFrameSize( ULONG );
- Returns the size in bytes of a sample frame for a given sample type.
- sampletype - The sample type to examine. See <devices/ahi.h> for
- possible types.
- <devices/ahi.h>
- ahi.device/AHI_SetEffect
- AHI_SetEffect -- set effect
- error = AHI_SetEffect( effect, audioctrl );
- d0 A0 A2
- ULONG AHI_SetEffect( APTR, struct AHIAudioCtrl * );
- Selects an effect to be used, described by a structure.
- effect - A pointer to an effect data structure, as defined in
- <devices/ahi.h>. The following effects are defined:
- AHIET_MASTERVOLUME - Changes the volume for all channels. Can
- also be used to boost volume over 100%.
- AHIET_OUTPUTBUFFER - Gives READ-ONLY access to the mixed output.
- Can be used to show nice scopes and VU-meters.
- AHIET_DSPMASK - Select which channels will be affected by the
- DSP effects. (V4)
- AHIET_DSPECHO - A DSP effects that adds (cross-)echo and delay.
- (V4)
- AHIET_CHANNELINFO - Get info about all channels. (V4)
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- AHIET_MASTERVOLUME - Effect is a struct AHIEffMasterVolume, with
- ahiemv_Volume set to the desired volume. The range is 0 to
- (channels/hardware channel). Assume you have 4 channels in
- mono mode. The range is then 0.0 to 4.0. The range is the same
- if the mode is stereo with panning. However, assume you have 4
- channels with a stereo mode *without* panning. Then you have two
- channels to the left and two to the right => range is 0.0 - 2.0.
- Setting the volume outside the range will give an unpredictable
- result!
- AHIET_OUTPUTBUFFER - Effect is a struct AHIEffOutputBuffer, with
- ahieob_Func pointing to a hook that will be called with the
- following parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioCtrl *)
- A1 - (struct AHIEffOutputBuffer *)
- The information you are looking for then is in ahieob_Type,
- ahieob_Buffer and ahieob_Length. Always check ahieob_Type!
- ahieob_Length is neither in bytes nor samples, but sample frames.
- AHIET_DSPMASK - Effect is a struct AHIEffDSPMask, where ahiedm_Mask
- is an array with ahiedm_Channels elements. Each UBYTE in the
- array can either make the channel 'wet' (affected by the DSP
- effects), by using the AHIEDM_WET constant or 'dry' (not
- affected by the DSP effects) by using the AHIEDM_DRY constant.
- The default is all channels wet. If ahiedm_Channels does not
- equal the current number of channels allocated, the result of
- this call is undefined (crash warning!). (V4)
- AHIET_DSPECHO - Effect is a struct AHIEffDSPEcho.
- ahiede_Delay is the delay in samples (and thus depends on the
- mixing rate).
- ahiede_Feedback is a Fixed value between 0 and 1.0, and defines
- how much of the delayed signal should be feed back to the delay
- stage. Setting this to 0 gives a delay effect, otherwise echo.
- ahiede_Mix tells how much of the delayed signal should be mixed
- with the normal signal. Setting this to 0 disables delay/echo,
- and setting it to 1.0 outputs only the delay/echo signal.
- ahiede_Cross only has effect of the current playback mode is
- stereo. It tells how the delayed signal should be panned to
- the other channel. 0 means no cross echo, 1.0 means full
- cross echo.
- If the user has enabled "Fast Echo", AHI may take several short-
- cuts to increase the performance. This could include rounding the
- parameters to a power of two, or even to the extremes.
- If you set ahiede_Mix to 0x10000 and ahiede_Cross to 0x0, much
- faster mixing routines will be used, and "Fast Echo" will improve
- that even more.
- Otherwise, even with "Fast Echo" turned on, this effect will
- probably suck some major CPU cycles on most sound hardware. (V4)
- AHIET_CHANNELINFO - Effect is a struct AHIEffChannelInfo, where
- ahieci_Func is pointing to a hook that will be called with the
- following parameters:
- A0 - (struct Hook *)
- A2 - (struct AHIAudioCtrl *)
- A1 - (struct AHIEffChannelInfo *)
- ahieci_Channels must equal the current number of channels used.
- ahieci_Offset is an array of ULONGs, which will be filled by
- AHI before the hook is called (the offset is specified in sample
- frames). The array must have at least ahieci_Channels elements.
- This "effect" can be used to find out how far each channel has
- played. You must probably keep track of the other parameters
- yourself (like which sound is playing, it's volume, balance and
- frequency etc) in order have meaningful usage of the information.
- (V4)
- NOTE! To turn off an effect, call again with ahie_Effect OR:ed
- with AHIET_CANCEL. For example, it is NOT correct to disable
- the AHIET_MASTERVOLUME effect by setting ahiemv_Volume to 1.0!
- It is important that you always turn off effects before you
- deallocate the audio hardware. Otherwise memory may be lost.
- It is safe to turn off an effect that has never been turned on
- in the first place.
- Never count on that an effect will be available. For example,
- AHIET_OUTPUTBUFFER is impossible to implement with some sound
- cards.
- An error code, defined in <devices/ahi.h>.
- Unlike the other functions whose names begin with "AHI_Set", this
- function may NOT be called from an interrupt (or AHI Hook).
- Previous to V4, this call always returned AHIE_OK.
- The idea of updating the source structure instead of allocating
- a new one that is passed the hook it pretty flawed. The reason is
- that AHI_SetEffect() originally could be called from interrupts,
- and memory allocation is not allowed from within interrupts.
- AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetVol(), AHI_LoadSound(),
- <devices/ahi.h>
- ahi.device/AHI_SetFreq
- AHI_SetFreq -- set frequency for a channel
- AHI_SetFreq( channel, freq, audioctrl, flags );
- D0:16 D1 A2 D2
- void AHI_SetFreq( UWORD, ULONG, struct AHIAudioCtrl *, ULONG );
- Sets the playback frequency for a channel.
- channel - The channel to set playback frequency for.
- freq - The playback frequency in Hertz. Can also be AHI_MIXFREQ,
- is the current mixing frequency (only usable with AHIST_INPUT
- sounds), or 0 to temporary stop the sound (it will restart at
- the same point when its frequency changed). Setting the frequency
- of an AHIST_INPUT sound is not supported, and the result is
- undefined.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- flags - Only one flag is defined
- AHISF_IMM - Set this flag if this command should take effect
- immediately. If this bit is not set, the command will not
- take effect until the current sound is finished. MUST NOT
- be set if called from a SoundFunc. See the programming
- guidelines for more information about this flag.
- It is safe to call this function from an interrupt.
- AHI_SetEffect(), AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetVol(), AHI_LoadSound()
- ahi.device/AHI_SetSound
- AHI_SetSound -- set what sound to play for a channel
- AHI_SetSound( channel, sound, offset, length, audioctrl, flags );
- D0:16 D1:16 D2 D3 A2 D4
- struct AHIAudioCtrl *, ULONG );
- Sets a sound to be played on a channel.
- channel - The channel to set sound for.
- sound - Sound to be played, or AHI_NOSOUND to turn the channel off.
- offset - Only available if the sound type is AHIST_SAMPLE or
- AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE. Must be 0 otherwise.
- Specifies an offset (in samples) where the playback will begin.
- If you wish to play the whole sound, set offset to 0.
- length - Only available if the sound type is AHIST_SAMPLE or
- AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE. Must be 0 otherwise.
- Specifies how many samples that should be played. If you
- wish to play the whole sound forwards, set offset to 0 and length
- to either 0 or the length of the sample array. You may not set
- length to 0 if offset is not 0! To play a sound backwards, just
- set length to a negative number.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- flags - Only one flag is defined
- AHISF_IMM - Set this flag if this command should take effect
- immediately. If this bit is not set, the command will not
- take effect until the current sound is finished. MUST NOT
- be set if called from a SoundFunc. See the programming
- guidelines for more information about this flag.
- It is safe to call this function from an interrupt.
- If offset or length is not zero, make sure you do not exceed the
- sample limits.
- AHI_SetEffect(), AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetVol(), AHI_LoadSound()
- ahi.device/AHI_SetVol
- AHI_SetVol -- set volume and stereo panning for a channel
- AHI_SetVol( channel, volume, pan, audioctrl, flags );
- D0:16 D1 D2 A2 D3
- void AHI_SetVol( UWORD, Fixed, sposition, struct AHIAudioCtrl *,
- ULONG );
- Changes the volume and stereo panning for a channel.
- channel - The channel to set volume for.
- volume - The desired volume. Fixed is a LONG fixed-point value with
- 16 bits to the left of the point and 16 to the right
- (typedef LONG Fixed; from IFF-8SVX docs).
- Maximum volume is 1.0 (0x10000L) and 0.0 (0x0L) will turn off
- this channel. Note: The sound will continue to play, but you
- wont hear it. To stop a sound completely, use AHI_SetSound().
- Starting with V4 volume can also be negative, which tells AHI
- to invert the samples before playing. Note that all drivers
- may not be able to handle negative volume. In that case the
- absolute volume will be used.
- pan - The desired panning. sposition is the same as Fixed
- (typedef Fixed sposition; from IFF-8SVX.PAN docs).
- 1.0 (0x10000L) means that the sound is panned all the way to
- the right, 0.5 (0x8000L) means the sound is centered and 0.0
- (0x0L) means that the sound is panned all the way to the left.
- Try to set Pan to the 'correct' value even if you know it has no
- effect. For example, if you know you use a mono mode, set pan to
- 0.5 even if it does not matter.
- Starting with V4 pan can also be negative, which tells AHI to
- use the surround speaker for this channel. Note that all drivers
- may not be able to handle negative pan. In that case the absolute
- pan will be used.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- flags - Only one flag is defined
- AHISF_IMM - Set this flag if this command should take effect
- immediately. If this bit is not set, the command will not
- take effect until the current sound is finished. MUST NOT
- be set if called from a SoundFunc. See the programming
- guidelines for more information about this flag.
- It is safe to call this function from an interrupt.
- Negative volume or negative pan may use more CPU time than positive.
- Using both negative volume and negative pan will play the inverted
- sound on the surround speaker.
- AHI_SetEffect(), AHI_SetFreq(), AHI_SetSound(), AHI_LoadSound()
- ahi.device/AHI_UnloadSound
- AHI_UnloadSound -- discard a sound
- AHI_UnloadSound( sound, audioctrl );
- D0:16 A2
- void AHI_UnloadSound( UWORD, struct AHIAudioCtrl * );
- Tells 'ahi.device' that this sound will not be used anymore.
- sound - The ID of the sound to unload.
- audioctrl - A pointer to an AHIAudioCtrl structure.
- This call will not break a Forbid() state.
- AHI_LoadSound()
- ahi.device/CMD_FLUSH
- CMD_FLUSH -- Cancel all I/O requests (V4)
- Aborts ALL current requests, both active and waiting, even
- other programs requests!
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_FLUSH
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, number of requests actually
- flushed.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- This command should only be used in very rare cases, like AHI
- system utilities. Never use this command in an application.
- CMD_RESET, <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CMD_READ
- CMD_READ -- Read raw samples from audio input (V4)
- Reads samples from the users prefered input to memory. The sample
- format and frequency will be converted on the fly.
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_READ
- io_Data Pointer to the buffer where the data should be put.
- io_Length Number of bytes to read, must be a multiple of the
- sample frame size (see ahir_Type).
- io_Offset Set to 0 when you use for the first time or after
- a delay.
- ahir_Type The desired sample format, see <ahi/devices.h>.
- ahir_Frequency The desired sample frequency in Hertz.
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, number of bytes actually
- transferred.
- io_Offset Updated to be used as input next time.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CMD_RESET
- CMD_RESET -- Restore device to a known state (V4)
- Aborts all current requests, even other programs requests
- (CMD_FLUSH), rereads the configuration file and resets the hardware
- to its initial state
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_RESET
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- This command should only be used in very rare cases, like AHI
- system utilities. Never use this command in an application.
- CMD_FLUSH, <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CMD_START
- CMD_START -- start device processing (like ^Q) (V4)
- All CMD_WRITE's that has been sent to the device since CMD_STOP
- will be started at once, synchronized.
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_START
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, number of requests actually
- flushed.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- Unlike most (all?) other devices, CMD_STOP and CMD_START do nest in
- ahi.device.
- CMD_STOP, <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CMD_STOP
- CMD_STOP -- stop device processing (like ^S) (V4)
- Stops all CMD_WRITE processing. All writes will be queued, and
- are not processed until CMD_START. This is useful for synchronizing
- two or more CMD_WRITE's.
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_STOP
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, number of requests actually
- flushed.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- This command affects ALL writes, even those sent by other
- applications. Make sure the code between CMD_STOP and CMD_START
- runs as fast as possible!
- Unlike most (all?) other devices, CMD_STOP and CMD_START do nest in
- ahi.device.
- CMD_START, <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CMD_WRITE
- CMD_WRITE -- Write raw samples to audio output (V4)
- Plays the samples to the users prefered audio output.
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Command CMD_WRITE
- io_Data Pointer to the buffer of samples to be played.
- io_Length Number of bytes to play, must be a multiple of the
- sample frame size (see ahir_Type).
- io_Offset Must be 0.
- ahir_Type The desired sample format, see <ahi/devices.h>.
- ahir_Frequency The desired sample frequency in Hertz.
- ahir_Volume The desired volume. The range is 0 to 0x10000, where
- 0 means muted and 0x10000 (== 1.0) means full volume.
- ahir_Position Defines the stereo balance. 0 is far left, 0x8000 is
- center and 0x10000 is far right.
- ahir_Link If non-zero, pointer to a previously sent AHIRequest
- which this AHIRequest will be linked to. This
- request will be delayed until the old one is
- finished (used for double buffering). Must be set
- to NULL if not used.
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, number of bytes actually
- played.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- 32 bit samples are not allowed yet.
- <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/CloseDevice
- CloseDevice -- Close the device
- CloseDevice(ioRequest)
- A1
- void CloseDevice(struct IORequest *);
- This is an exec call that closes the device. Every OpenDevice()
- must be matched with a call to CloseDevice().
- The user must ensure that all outstanding IO Requests have been
- returned before closing the device.
- ioRequest - a pointer to the same struct AHIRequest that was used
- to open the device.
- OpenDevice(), exec.library/CloseDevice()
- NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY -- Query the device for its capabilities (V4)
- Fills an initialized NSDeviceQueryResult structure with
- information about the device.
- io_Device Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Unit Preset by the call to OpenDevice().
- io_Data Pointer to the NSDeviceQueryResult structure,
- initialized as follows:
- DevQueryFormat - Set to 0
- SizeAvailable - Must be cleared.
- It is probably good manners to clear all other
- fields as well.
- io_Length Size of the NSDeviceQueryResult structure.
- io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in
- <ahi/devices.h> and <exec/errors.h>.
- io_Actual If io_Error is 0, the value in
- NSDeviceQueryResult.SizeAvailable.
- The NSDeviceQueryResult structure now contains valid information.
- The other fields, except io_Device, io_Unit and io_Command, are
- trashed.
- <ahi/devices.h>, <exec/errors.h>
- ahi.device/OpenDevice
- OpenDevice -- Open the device
- error = OpenDevice(AHINAME, unit, ioRequest, flags)
- D0 A0 D0 A1 D1
- BYTE OpenDevice(STRPTR, ULONG, struct AHIRequest *, ULONG);
- This is an exec call. Exec will search for the ahi.device, and
- if found, will pass this call on to the device.
- AHINAME - pointer to the string "ahi.device".
- unit - Either AHI_DEFAULT_UNIT (0), AHI_NO_UNIT (255) or any other
- unit the user has requested, for example with a UNIT tooltype.
- AHI_NO_UNIT should be used when you're using the low-level
- API.
- ioRequest - a pointer to a struct AHIRequest, initialized by
- exec.library/CreateIORequest(). ahir_Version *must* be preset
- to the version you need!
- flags - There is only one flag defined, AHIDF_NOMODESCAN, which
- asks ahi.device not to build the audio mode database if not
- already initialized. It should not be used by applications
- without good reasons (AddAudioModes uses this flag).
- error - Same as io_Error.
- io_Error - If the call succeeded, io_Error will be 0, else
- an error code as defined in <exec/errors.h> and
- <devices/ahi.h>.
- io_Device - A pointer to the device base, which can be used
- to call the functions the device provides.
- CloseDevice(), exec.library/OpenDevice(), <exec/errors.h>,
- <devices/ahi.h>.